Soldats de l’Antibiorésistance (SAR)
Burkina Fuso
Joseph KI ZERBO University
From left to right : Tapsoba Paligwendé Noël Armand (English Language), Diarra Fatimata Bintou Josiane
(Microbiology), Siri Mawamoussé Marlène Wazina (Masters Demography), Noali Ezechiel
Prosper (masters degree in regulatory affairs), Aicha Nicole Joelle Millogo (Medicine and Surgery)
Why we chose Team Hexagon
Through this name we wish to show our firm determination to fight against AMR in our countries. We are soldiers ready to defend the cause of the fight against AMR.
Other Teams
We were already involved in the association AJRAM (Actions des Jeunes contre la Résistance aux Antimicrobiens). It is the first structure of young people involved in the fight against antimicrobial resistance in Burkina Faso and in the French-speaking countries of West Africa. We are already working together and this call for applications was a great opportunity for us to apply to learn more about AMR. We analyzed the call for applications together and filled out the form together.
Our expectations are mainly technical and network related. At the end of this program, the team would like to be better equipped on AMR issues. This is essential in our involvement in Francophone Africa. Through the network we could be inspired by other countries to carry out great actions. We will also share our experience with others because the fight against AMR cannot be effective without the multidisciplinary involvement of all actors. In addition, we would like to know about opportunities for support to carry out actions on antimicrobial resistance.
To fight effectively against AMR, we need this kind of program also in French. Thus, we believe that it is important to have this kind of program in French to allow the maximum number of people to benefit from it. In addition, advocacy can be done in this dynamic to fight against AMR. For example, during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, posters and videos of political personalities who are committed to the fight against AMR. There is also a need for training of prescribers and dispensers on good practices in prescribing and dispensing medicines. In addition, educational talks can be held in schools to engage youth.
La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est tout simplement un processus naturel développé par des bactéries, des champignons, des virus et des parasites faisant référence aux changements génétiques réduisant ou annulant ainsi la capacité d’un anti-microbien à les détruire, leur permettant ainsi de survivre malgré la présence de ou des anti-microbien (s) censé(s) les détruire.
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