University of Buea
Nchedzengang Tatah (Journalism and Mass Communication), Masah Meseh Winie (Biomedical sciences), Ntuba Ngange (Master of Public health), Orok Tambe M. (medicine)
Why we chose AMR WATCH?
We wanted a name that is different from the commonly associated terms. We wanted it to speak some matter of urgency and give you a pause for a second thought before realising the context.
Other Teams
When I (team lead) saw the tweet I immediately started reaching out to friends for recommendations. Many were recommended and after a discussion over phone. I selected this team based on the discussion and their willingness to join in. We all met for the first time physically on our first meeting which was on the weekend of the first week of training. Orok, Clinton and I are all members of the faculty Choir so we three met there first.
As a group, we hope the program acts:
- As a catalysts to our careers
- Serves as an inspiration to pursue careers in AMR.
- Equip and motivate us to become change agents not only in the field of AMR but also in other important public health issues.
- Serves as some form of credibility to establishing a platform for influence and action.
As a group, we have diverse extracurricular capacities that we can leverage to mitigate/showcase AMR
- Music:Singing and composition of songs or other artisitic pieces to communicate AMR
- Vlogging: Youtube is a popular site for vlogging. Getting the info out through this means can have major influence.
Cameroon has 2 official languages English and French although Pidgin is also accepted informally. Other ethnic groups have different vernacular and we have used one here peculiar to a small group of people in the South West of Cameroon
Antimicrobials are drugs used to prevent or treat infections in humans, animals and plants
Antimicrobials are essential in treating infections and can save in life-threatening situations
Treating basic infections with Antimicrobials has become so common that the microorganisms have developed resistance to these drugs
Drug misuse and overuse are causes of AMR
The emergence and spread of drug resistant pathogens (superbugs) is now a threat to how we treat infections basic infections
Les antimicrobiens sont des médicaments utilisés pour prévenir ou traiter les infections chez les humains, les animaux et les plantes Les antimicrobiens sont essentiels dans le traitement des infections et peuvent sauver des situations mettant la vie en danger Le traitement des infections de base avec des antimicrobiens est devenu si courant que les micro-organismes ont développé une résistance à ces médicaments L’abus et la surconsommation de médicaments sont des causes de la RAM L’émergence et la propagation d’agents pathogènes résistants aux médicaments (superbactéries) menacent désormais la manière dont nous traitons les infections infections de base
Antimicrobials them na drugs wey we di use for prevent or for treat infections wey di affect men dem, animals and plants
Antimicrobials be very important for seka treating infections and fit save men dem wey dey be in danger
Now so, e be very hard for treat common infections dem with these Antimicrobials because the germs dem Don develop odeshi
So we get this problem of AMR na because we Don use drug them plenty plenty and we no use the drug them fine. For example, doctor tok say make you take na only 2 tablets of a drug for your treatment, you no follow am, you go take 1 or sef 6
Now so drug resistant microorganisms them dey for all side (superbugs) and e Don be very hard for treat thing them like cold wey man be fit easily treat before
Babeyi Tchęrę tchę nyeng.
Mwa a bć bę męyí ò tćkć Ękęrę ba beyi.
O pù mpęm nji ne may nćģ nćg.
Ngang a nanģ asínģ babeyí oķćngć manýćp a neya a tchęré
O kè nka ba manyćp anfwep or ansćt manyćp andja
Nę pu mày