

Black Mountain




Copperbelt University

From the left: Member 1 Pious Musonda (Medicine and Surgery), Member 2 Ernest Mushibwe (Mechanical Engineering), Member 3 Mwitupa Makashinyi (Medicine and Surgery), Member 4 Goodness Mpashi (Mining Engineering), Member 5 Kaumba Soneka (Medicine and Surgery)

Why we chose CAFA Young Ambassadors?

The name of our group comes from a prominent copper slag dump in Zambia. This site- black mountain- is located in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province which is the same town as our university’s main campus is located.
We were drawn to this name for a number of reasons namely:

  1. The ‘ Black Mountain’ is a place that stands out whenever one is in Kitwe and we would like our advocacy to mitigate Antimicrobial Resistance to be something that stands out and no one can miss.
  2. The ‘Black Mountain’ is something that causes the ordinary Zambian to think of Kitwe and we would like to acknowledge the town since it is where our university is located.
  3. Black Mountain has been a site where a good number of youths have sought to mine so as to better their fortunes and we think of this program of being a treasure that if we mine wisely will make us better people- through interactions with others and the skills and knowledge that we will pick up throughout the course of the program

Tagline;  “Sustainable Solutions to Safeguard our Future”


We all happen to have a common interest in becoming a part of the positive change that goes on in our communities and the world. This is something that we have recognized in each other and so influenced our decision to do this together when the opportunity came about. Aside from the fact that we’re at the same University, we all happen be part of The Copperbelt University Debate Society, where we got acquainted with each other. In November 2021, we had the opportunity to be part of the Zambia National Public Health Institute‘s (ZNPHI) World Antimicrobial Awareness Week Debates. At the end of the program, we expect to gain adequate knowledge on the subject of AMR so that our advocacy and being ambassadors will be backed by a well-rounded understanding of the subject. To this end, we will also be able to carry out AMR education in different communities starting from our most immediate environments and beyond.

Another expectation is to be equipped with the relevant skills that will enable us in championing the fight against AMR by providing novel solutions to the antimicrobial resistance threat in our country and indeed, the globe. Graphic design: We can use this skill to project visual communications about AMR in a creative way that will ensure AMR awareness reaches everyone. This could be further done by the use of infographics, social media posts, t-shirt prints, flyers and putting up banners, billboards and posters not only in hospitals but also in many other public places. Healthcare practitioners, the agriculture sector and associated professionals have been the focus of AMR campaigns of the past. Community-centred approaches have the advantage of reaching populations directly, and eye-catching/informative information goes a long way in changing mindsets.


  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) isaako nga utushishi utuleta amwalwele twaleka ukufwa no muti uwo bapangile ukutuleshya nelyo ukutwipaya.
  • Fimo ifingalenga ukuti ifi ficitike niifi:
  1. utu tushishi nga twa cinjya fye palwatuko.
  2. Unulandu ukulamamba uwingalenga ifi fyacitika, kubomfya umuti mukucishapo. Ifi filalenga utushishi twabelela uyo muti nokusanga inshila shaku-ucimfishako.
  3. Ukukanakwata ubusaka.
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) ilepaya abantu imyanda ne myanda ukushunguluka icibulumbwa ce sonde pa mwaaka, ukucila na mwalwele yacikaya ayapala HIV.
  • E ico tufwile uku posako amano nga abantu ukucita ifi fwaika pakuti tucimfye ubu busanso, ku cakumwenako:
  1. Ukwishibishako abantu banensu pa lwa ubu busanso.
  2. Ukukwata ubusaka kabili noku cita ifi fwaika pakutu amalwele tayasalangene.
  3. Ukucefyako imibomfeshe ya miiti, kabili nafimbi nafimbi.


Anti Microbial resistance yenzaña neyi chububu chwaletaña nyisoñu kumuzhimba wa munchu chunaleki kufwa ku yitumbu.

Yikahi yaleñeshaña hakwila yitumbu yileki kuzata nakuzhaha ichu chububu?
1.Kuzatisha yitumbu yazhahaña ichu chububu muyikatu yamboka yabula kutelela
2.Kubula kumanisha yitumbu yezhima yenkañawu andotolu kuchipatela.Ichi chaleteshaña chububu chukwawu kuhanda nakwinzhilila yitumbu
Dichi neyi itumbu yinaleki kuzatika,Chububu chwavulaña nakukozhesha yikatu yamaneni yaletaña kufwa.
Chudikwati Makasa,chuzatishi yitumbu munzhila yatelela nakumanisha yezhima yitumbu Hela munatiyiku dihu, kulonda yitumbu yichweshi kuka ñyisoñu.