Panthers against AMR


The University of Zambia



Standing right to left: Florence Muchindu (Pharmacy) , Charles Nkwashi (Food science and
technology), Melissa Haketa (Medicine and surgery) Seated : Faustina Chalwe (Medicine and


Why we chose Panthers against AMR

A panther is considered to be a leader in the wild, not only is it strong fearless and aggressive we hope to carry this spirit in our campaign. Team slogan: “Averting antimicrobial resistance, together we can.” 


We actually met after the advert for the program was published and we found ourselves trying to create a group, we decided to apply together because we showed similar commitment and enthusiasm. We want to learn team work and team building, to make a difference in our community, to learn what AMR is and how to tackle it, to network with other members, to network with our Mentors, to educate other people at our school on AMR, to become better at public speaking, to learn more about social media activism. We would like to start a radio and social platform to talk about AMR and explain it in simple terms.


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